"If it's not fun, why do it?"

Posts tagged ‘Quotes’

55+ Happiness Quotes to Make Your Life Better

Today is another day to think about happiness. Especially #30.

Spreading Love challenge

Ahavah (Love) in Jerusalem, Feb 2013

Ahavah (Love) in Jerusalem, Feb 2013

I’ve been tagged by Meg Evans to write a post for the Spread the Love Challenge, which started on Valentine’s Day. The rules are: Write 10 four-word sentences about love, share your favorite quote or poem about love from a movie or book, and then nominate 10 more bloggers to spread more love. So, here goes:

1. Love gives and gives.
2. Love others as yourself.
3. We thrive with love.
4. Without love we wither.
5. Chicken soup spreads love.
6. Coffee pretends it’s love.
7. Loving can mean leaving.
8. If love hurts, leave.
9. Love makes us happier.
10. Love is not everything.

My favorite “love quote” is from Robert A. Heinlein‘s seminal science-fiction masterwork, Stranger in a Strange Land, 1961 (original) version.

Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.

Dr. Jubal E. Harshaw

I’m passing on the love to the following blogs:

  1. Glory Begin
  2. My Two Sentences
  3. Unorthodox Orthodoxy
  4. Better Not Broken
  5. Mindset
  6. L to the Aura
  7. Ellis Nelson
  8. almostfreeNYC
  9. GratuitousRex
  10. Live with a Positive Outlook

It will be interesting to see what these talented people come up with!

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