"If it's not fun, why do it?"

Posts tagged ‘Quartz’

Wool Is Not Stone

Texture, a study in contrasts. © JustHavingFun

Texture, a study in contrasts. © JustHavingFun

Wool Is Not Stone

     This rose quartz begs a different touch: 
my thumb seeks a groove, a hollow,
some concavity to plumb its depths despite silent
polished, gleaming, silken surface.
My tracery leaves no mark -
a light smudge? - or not.
Immutable, cold and solid, comforting in its way. Crystal
veins river through its depth, color shifts hint
frozen thoughts, weighty philosophy within.
It whispers, and I caress its secrets.

This wool beckons my hand: Kinky and rough, gnarled, fuzzy, and chaotic I long to run my fingers along the fibers entwine my empty spaces with its strands. Craving to create - but what? What transcendence, what fabric, longs to emerge from its lengths of possibility? So unlike marble - whose immutable form hides from all but the sculptor’s senses deep within silent, impassive mineral - yarn's form yields all to the creator, slatternly, casually, and available for any pattern, any configuration of loops and tangles and dreams Knit into fashion or fancy... or raveled and reworked another time as the need or error or whim allows... Cast on and bind off, and then, the magic! Knit and crochet chains and lace, braids and cables, ribs, entrelac, eyelet and i-cord. Single, half-double, double and treble, stockinette, picots and panels, charming incantations that read like runes, the oh-so-many improbable configurations to tickle a topologist, perplex a puzzler, and mystify cats into playful kittens. Just a glance stirs longing for more and more and more - oh! feel the fiber, hear it talk - no, clamor - for my touch!

Poetry © JustHavingFun. All rights reserved.

Hidden Gems

Man-made crystal specimen

This specimen is man-made but oh, what glory! © JustHavingFun

Why would crystals like these exist deep inside the earth? Hidden, secret, rare… perfect. I can appreciate them on so many levels. Their beauty is undisputed; they delight the eye. Their chemistry is exquisite; they reveal the order of the universe.

Red stones in the corundum family are rubies, and anything else is a sapphire. While pure corundum can be colorless, sapphires might be blue, green, yellow, orange, pink, purple or even show a six-rayed star. Only a tiny atomic change, the inclusion of the element chromium, makes a deep blue sapphire become a red ruby.

Carbon lacks the sparkle of diamonds. Coal. Graphite. Soot. Yet tons of pressure and kilocalories of heat create diamonds, harder than any other natural rock or mineral. Quartz crystals emerge as gems (amethyst and topaz) or captivate us as clear crystal spears. People carve and polish it into a crystal orb and divine the past and future in its depths.

The hardest carbon is diamond. Science explains its allure: the high refractive index allows light to bounce around within the cut and polished stone and sparkle in myriad colors as no other gemstone.  De Beers coined the phrase “A Diamond Is Forever” in 1947. They created a lust for diamond engagement rings like never before in history.

But isn’t a diamond just a rock?


Minerals” by Eric Hunt, used under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Why are some crystals needle-like and others cubic? Why are some embedded in volcanic rock and others, geodes, inside hollow nodules? Why are opals iridescent yet moonstones glow? Knowing the chemistry explains some details but it doesn’t explain my captivation. Wonders beyond wonders.

These gifts from on High can remind us of the Order in the universe. Things don’t happen randomly. These wonders were emplaced for us to find, study, and rejoice in.

The lessons I glean from my fascination with gems, crystals, and mineral specimens parallel my determination to live a life of happiness:

* Looking within hidden places for treasure just might reveal some.
* Adopting minute changes can make grand differences.
* Embrace everlasting truths for what we value can be capricious and trendy (they are just rocks, after all).
* Enjoy the beauty and sparkle while you can.

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