"If it's not fun, why do it?"

Archive for January, 2019

Yarn Follies

Cats and knitters* share a mystical superpower: they can suss out yarn anywhere, whether hidden behind walls of lead or at the bottom of a bargain basement sales bin. This attraction to long fibrous materials harks back to sunnier days when hanks of yarn grew on trees and children fell asleep when put to bed. Or maybe it’s a throwback to the days when we needed to hunt wool in the wild, tracking the crafty little fibers, and capturing them before they could get away and warn the others.

Caught in the act. © JustHavingFun

Caught in the act. © JustHavingFun

Cats think everything is a toy … or the enemy. They approach a ball of yarn with stealth worthy of a World War I infantry patrol. Their whiskers twitch and hindquarters shiver before pouncing on the unwary acrylic. Their victories depend upon how much yarn there is to unravel or chase around the room. Cats know when the babysitter’s bag contains mixed skeins or all the same yarn. Then they go for whatever is most convenient, closest to the mouth of the bag, not digging for the most rare or costliest fibers. The cat wages war on string from racial memory, an animalistic urge without sense or reason.

Vanquishing the enemy. © JustHavingFun

Vanquishing the enemy. © JustHavingFun

Exploiting her superpower to the max, the knitter, however honed her yarn sense, will seek out the hand-dyed, single lot, rarest fibers. Her war is personal: acquire the most you can and die happy. Today, yak, alpaca, angora, merino, silk, and bamboo replace yesterday’s limited choices of Wintuk and Sayelle. The size of her stash trumpets victory. Prizes won at the Battle of Rhinebeck and war trophies from the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival campaign embolden the warrior’s stashing efforts. She with the most yarn WINS!

With different types of approaches, cats and knitters acquire their desires by stealth, persistence, and sheer dumb desire.

Yarn. Ya gotta have it.

* “Knitters” includes crocheters, too.

On Hold

Who said that waiting for customer service is wasted time? I love crystals and sparkly things, and I have a collection of beads and tools. I played with and adjusted this mixed crystal bracelet while on the phone. The beauty of having the medical ID tag attached by lobster clasps is that I can change out the bracelet(s) to match my outfit or when I tire of them!

That sneaky little orange bead is just for my amusement. Did you even notice it?

Beads, pliers, and a cup of coffee are all I need while in the neverland that they call “on hold.”


Medical ID bracelet with crystals. © JustHavingFun


Tag Cloud

Quirks Ltd.

Quilting Creativity

The Flying Squirrel Studio

living a creative and adventurous life

In Stitches

made by Bec

The Interior of My Brain: A Knitting and Fiber Arts Blog

Unlocking the secrets of the universe, one knitting project at a time

Inspiration from Zion: This is a Love Story

"An age is called dark not because the light fails to shine but because people refuse to see"

The Temple Mount Sifting Project

Archaeological Research of the Temple Mount, saving artifacts from archaeological destruction, and tourist attraction in jerusalem


Don't Stand Still, if you do you will never see anything new!

The Brevity Blog

Essays Exploring craft and the writing life

Quilt Alliance

Document - Preserve - Share

White Lies Knits!

Joan M-M doing what most knitters dream of ; knitting for a living.


visionary author

Rivki Silver ~ thoughts & music

kosher lifestyle content


the life and knitting woes

Gratuitous Rex

Relationships, Career, Weird Tangents... so basically Everything

Nature's Poisons

Nature is out to get us

My Sandwich

Life with boy, girl, girl, girl, boy.